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Berlin Finder > Webguide > Berliner Firmen > Film und Musik > Musikunterricht

Multilingual music school in Berlin

Schönfließer str. 4,
10439 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

The Spiral School of Music is situated on Arnim Platz in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin. The school offers individual and group classes in the following areas:

* Cello
* Flute
* Piano
* Violin
* Guitar
* Theory
* Singing
* Ukulele
* Clarinet
* Trumpet
* Recorder
* Irish Harp
* Trombone
* Saxophone
* Euphonium
* French Horn
* Double Bass
* Electric Bass
* Band / Orchestra / Choir
* Early Childhood Music Education

Styles covered: Classical, Pop, Jazz, Free Improvisation, Experimental

The classes take place at the school's studio or in some cases at the student's home.

In addition to the benefit of practising/improving one's English while learning to play an instrument the school offers high academic standards, fully qualified tutors, fixed as well as flexible timetable, instruments rental, concerts and workshops, flexible contracts and convenient fees.

Please check our web page for more information. We have limited places left - be quick to enrol!

Musikschule Flöteunterricht Gesangunterricht Geigenunterricht Musikunterricht Konzerte Musiktheorie Gitarunterricht Klavierunterricht Workshops


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